오늘은 제가!! 태어나서 처음으로 복싱을 시도해보았는데요. 와우... 정말 와우였어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 일단 결론부터 말씀드리면! 다이어트에는 무조건 대박이고, 기초체력 약하신 분들한테는 아마 제일 좋은 운동이지 않나 싶을 정도로 좋더라구요. 물론 처음엔 저처럼 엄청난 근육통에 시달릴 수 있습니다;;;;
선생님께서도 너무나 친절하고 재밌게 잘 알려주셔서 1시간이 금방 가더라구요.
그리고...줄넘기는 정말 죽음이였어요 와... 그건 정말 하기 싫어요ㅜㅜ
시도하게 된 계기가 이번 마마무 뮤비에서 제가 복서역할을 하게 되서 조금이라도 배우는 게 좋을 것 같다는 생각에 두 번 수업을 받았는데요. 너무 좋은 경험이였습니다 히히.
용왕님덜도 시도해보세요!!!!! 두다땡!!!!!
Today I am!! I tried boxing for the first time in my life. Wow... it was really wow haha Let's start with the conclusion! It's unconditionally great for dieting, and it's so good that I think it's probably the best exercise for those with weak basic physical strength. Of course, you may suffer from a lot of muscle pain like me at first; The teacher was so kind and fun, so the hour went by quickly. And... jumping rope was really death. Wow... I really hate to do that ㅜㅜ I took the class twice because I thought it would be good to learn even a little bit because I was playing the role of a boxer in this Mamamoo MV. It was such a good experience hehe. Please try the dragon king too!!!!! Let it go!!!!!