일본에 소바 100그릇 도전하는 곳이 있다는 소식을 들었습니다!
솔라시도에서 안 가볼 수가 없잖아요?
저도 처음 시도해 보는데요. 가보니까 식당 자체가 약간 챌린지 위주로 되어있더라고요.
그것도 굉장히 신선하고 재밌었던 것 같아요. 그리고 다들 진지하면서도 재밌게 소바 먹기 시도를 하고 계셨습니다 ㅎㅎ
저도 해봤는데요. 생각보다 소바가 더 맛있었어요!
재밌는 시도였습니다:)
I heard that there is a place in Japan that challenges 100 bowls of soba!
I can't help but visit Solarsido, right?
It's my first time trying it, too. When I went there, the restaurant itself was focused on challenges.
I think it was very fresh and fun. And everyone was trying to eat soba seriously and in a fun way
I've tried it too. The soba was more delicious than I thought!
It was a fun attempt :)