Distinguished herpetologist Dr. Jesus Rivas heads out on a road-trip through the southeastern United States to get hands-on with some of its most venomous snakes - copperheads, cottonmouths, and rattlesnakes. From his laboratory at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, travel with Jesus to the first stop on this snaky adventure, the woods outside Edwina, Tennessee, where he meets up with Reverend Jimmy Morrow, a preacher at a nearby Pentecostal church, to hunt for an integral component of the reverend's weekly worship: copperheads. Then it's off to the church, where remarkably, believers handle these deadly venomous vipers without suffering any bites. Then, Jesus hits the swamps of Aiken, South Carolina, where noted herpetologist Whit Gibbons risks life and limb measuring the aggressive behavior of another notorious pit viper: the cottonmouth. But this road-trip isn't just academic: Jesus also travels to Leesburg, Georgia to investigate the death of two-year-old boy bitten by North America's largest venomous snake, the Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake. Was this attack an act of aggression, or simply a defensive reaction? To find out, Jesus heads to Tallahassee, Florida where he teams up with renowned rattlesnake expert, Dr. Bruce Means. Together, they put this giant pit viper's disposition to the test.