For over a decade, animal activist Snehal Bhatt has led a one-woman crusade to rescue India's most dangerous snakes - cobras, vipers, and giant pythons - from frightened townspeople, crooked snake charmers and devious poachers. Now, with the situation in her home city of Vadodara well in hand, she's taking aim at the rural town of Valsad. There, poachers continue to trade illegally in such snakes as Indian pythons, and snake charmers still perform, defanging snakes and ultimately killing them. But with the help of a posse of dedicated volunteers, Snehal does battle with the charmers and poachers, and helps save people and snakes from each other. During the course of her visit to Valsad, she faces off with one spectacled cobra and rescues another from a well, removes a deadly Russell's Viper that had been mistaken for a python, saves a giant python from some anxious farm workers, and finally, releases the animals into protected forest, away from human habitation.