Xu Duocheng, a simple and well-behaved talented piano girl, misses the audition for the top orchestra due to acromegaly, and just as she laments for her poor fate, she accidentally has a "smelly" encounter with a "pervert" in the women's toilet, and gets a live house ticket for her favorite "has-been singer" Jiang Nan in exchange with a toilet paper. When watching the show, Xu Duocheng meets Jiang Nan at backstage and got photographed by reporters, so is involved in the love affair between Jiang Nan and actress Gu Jiayi, also by accident becomes Jiang Nan's contract girlfriend. Sharp-tongued singer and naive girl's funny cohabitation life thus begins. Their relationship getting closer with the healing of Xu Duocheng, Jiang Nan's music dream is awakened again, and his music career starts again, while Xu Duocheng also faces the disease bravely with Jiang Nan's company, and the two of them heal each other with music, and finally embrace sweet love.
许多橙是一个充满欢乐和活力的少女。 没有人知道,在她的笑容背后隐藏着一个阴影:她实际上患有肌萎缩侧索硬化症,这意味着她活不了多久,最终会缓慢但肯定会瘫痪。 正因如此,朵橙拼命地享受余下的日子。 但当她遇到了爱上她的年轻英俊的音乐家江南时,事情变得困难起来。 她会屈服于她的心吗?
Xu Duo Cheng est une fan du chanteur en déclin, Jiang Nan. Et justement, quand elle se rend à un de ses concerts, tous les deux sont surpris par les journalistes dans une position compromettante suite à un malentendu.
Pour aider Jiang Nan, Xu Duo Cheng accepte de se faire passer pour sa petite amie. Jiang Nan tombe peu alors à peu amoureux de Xu Duo Cheng.
Mais Xu Duo Cheng a un secret : elle souffre de la maladie de Charcot, une maladie dégénérative du système nerveux et qui est incurable, et même ses parents ne sont pas au courant.