Syndrome kini mengirimkan monster berjenis mantis yang cepat dan beracun untuk merebut Power Field dari Bara & Sigma Force. Bara harus melindungi Power Field dari cengkeraman Jenderal Zirrivus dan menyelamatkan penduduk Bumi yang tengah diracuni monster Syndrome. Waktu Bara terbatas dan monster Syndrome telah berhasil menyebarkan racunnya. Karena kecepatannya, monster Syndrome ini tidak dapat dideteksi bahkan dengan mata ketiga milik BARDION. Namun ternyata selain mata ketiga, BARDION masih memiliki satu senjata ampuh.
Syndrome now sends fast and poisonous mantis type monsters to seize the Power Field from Bara & Sigma Force. Bara must protect the Power Field from the clutches of General Zirrivus and save the people of Earth who are being poisoned by the Syndrome monster. Bara's time is limited and the Syndrome monster has succeeded in spreading its poison. Because of its speed, this Syndrome monster cannot be detected even with BARDION's third eye. But it turns out that apart from the third eye, BARDION still has one powerful weapon.