Kim Joo Young is apprehended and is going to pay for what she has done. The families of Sky Castle are changing from what has happened. Some are walking away from their prestigious job, some are quitting their education, and some are letting go of their pride and greed. The tragedy of Sky Castle ends, and a new start has begun for them.
U-ju annonce qu'il va faire une pause dans ses études. Jun-sang démissionne, et Seo-jin se prépare à quitter Sky Castle. Seung-hye l'emporte, et le livre de Su-im paraît.
주영의 송곳 같은 말들로 서진은 물밀 듯이 자신의 지난 행동들이 생각나고, 돌이킬 수 없는 과거에 죄책감은 커져가는데..
가족들 앞에서 중대한 발표를 하는 우주, 수임과 치영은 생각지도 못한 우주의 결정이 당황스럽기만 한데..
U-ju anuncia que tomará un descanso del estudio. Jun-sang renuncia y Seo-jin se prepara para dejar Sky Castle. Seung-hye prevalece y el libro de Su-im sale a la luz.