Franky fühlt sich in ihrer Einsamkeit zu Luke hingezogen. Er ist nicht gut für sie. Sie glaubt jedoch, er sei der einzige Mensch, der sie versteht.
Franky is in a bad place - it's the week of her mock exams and she's unable to concentrate on her studies. Her friends are avoiding her, parental support makes her feel smothered and in her isolation she feels propelled towards Luke. He's bad news, but she feels as if he's the only person who understands her and she's intoxicated by him. Drawn into Luke's dangerous world, she finds an outlet for her anger and frustration. Burning bridges with family and friends, Franky is in more trouble than ever before. But help comes in unlikely forms, and out of the darkness a new friendship is born.
Frankylla on päällä kovat koeviikot mutta keskittymiskyky on nolla ja muutenkaan elämä ei nyt oikein kulje. Valoa tunneliin tuo ainoastaan hengailu Luken kanssa, mutta on siinä nurjatkin puolensa.
Franky, qui se sent coupable de la mort de Grace, a du mal à contrôler sa colère. Elle ne supporte plus rien, ni ses parents, ni ses amis. La jeune fille se tourne alors vers Luke, attirée par son mode de vie violent et rebelle. Inquiet, Nick essaie de la dissuader. Mais Franky n'en fait qu'à sa tête...
Franky está pasando un mal momento y, en su aislamiento, se siente atraída por Luke. Aunque él es una mala influencia, ella siente que es el único que la entiende.
Franky è in una brutta situazione e si sente attratta da Luke. Forse non è il massimo, ma lei sente che è l'unico in grado di capirla.
Franky está em um momento difícil e se sente atraída por Luke durante seu isolamento. Ele é barra-pesada, mas ela acredita que só ele consegue entendê-la.