In the formation of every great nation, many battles are fought by those who have clashing ideologies and political views. It is said that during the establishment of the fledgling Chosun Dynasty, six dragons held vast powers and each fought for their political views. These six dragons — Prince Lee Bang Won (Yoo Ah In), Jeong Do Jeon (Kim Myung Min), Lee Seong Gye (Cheon Ho Jin), Boon Yi (Shin Se Kyung), Ddang Sae (Byun Yo Han) and Moo Hyul (Yoon Gyun Sang) — fall on opposite sides of a power struggle between those who want a country ruled by ministers and those who want absolute power. Do Jeon helps his father, Seong Gye, who becomes the first King Tae Jo, establish the Chosun Dynasty, but Bang Won, who later becomes King Tae Jong, will become his biggest enemy. “Six Flying Dragons” is a 2015 South Korean drama series directed by Shin Kyung Soo.
武将である父イ・ソンゲを尊敬し、皆が尊敬する父のような武将になりたいと夢を抱くバンウォン。 勉強するよりも武術を磨き戦に出たいと言うバンウォンに、ソンゲは裏切り者を目の前で処刑し、戦の厳しさを目のあたりにさせる。 一方、開京ではイ・ソンゲを都堂に呼び入れる王命が下ったという話が伝わる。 申し入れをしたチョン・モンジュ側は喜び、反対勢力のイ・インギョム側が一気に緊張を高める。
이성계는 개경에서 온 어명을 받고 뜻을 전하기 위해 백근수를 개경으로 보내려 한다. 이때 어린 방원은 본인도 가겠다며 떼를 부리고 결국 조영규, 백근수와 함게 개경으로 향한다. 한편 개경에서는 엄마를 찾기 위해 올라온 어린 분이와 어린 땅새가 밥을 얻어먹기 위해 거지소굴에 들어가 대장이 시키는 일을 하는데...