SEGMENT 1&2-Deputy Bare investigates a report of a man strangling a woman only to find out that the woman was drunk, bit her husband and took off down the road. SEGMENT 3-Deputy Harris responds to a call of a neighbor screaming obscenities and throwing chairs through the fence that separates her property from a neighbor’s house. SEGMENT 4-Deputy Campora goes to assist another Deputy who was responding to a Walmart loss prevention officer’s call for assistance with a suspicious person. Upon arrival, Deputy Campora finds the suspicious person in custody in the back of the first on scene Deputy’s vehicle. Upon questioning and a subsequent search, Deputy Campora finds a large amount of black tar heroin. On a tip from another individual on scene, Deputy Campora searches the area and finds the co-conspirator to the man in custody, down the block, hiding at another large retail outlet and makes a second arrest.