SEGMENT 1,2,3-Deputy Coburn stops and questions a half-dressed man in a motel parking lot with clothes and baggage lying on the floor, in a car with an expired registration and virtually everywhere. Once determined that this person was on searchable probation for a prior felony, Deputy Coburn does a search and finds drugs, processing equipment for Hashish and pepper spray, which is a violation of his probation. After arresting the ex-felon and while transporting the probation violator in another Deputy’s vehicle, Deputy Coburn gets a radio call that a green vehicle just pulled into the same motel parking lot, also with an expired registration and three occupants. He commences to do a search on their vehicle and finds heroin, a gun, Methamphetamine and various drug paraphernalia as well and ends up arresting three more people. SEGMENT4-Deputy Shelton responds to a call from a lady who allowed a homeless person she found sleeping on her doorstep to stay in her apartment. Sometimes no good deed goes unpunished and the homeless lady trashes her house while she's away.