After just two hours sleep, having completed a gruelling SAS-style weekend of physical and mental endurance, the tired group are woken up on the show ready to start their sleep-starved challenge.
Live streaming from the Shattered studio as the remaining participants have to decide who will face the first endurance challenge of the night.
Dermot presents the highlights from the previous 24 hours and chats to sleep experts, celebrities friends and family.
Someone gets fined for snoozing, and a head-to-head coin-tossing competition takes place.
One contestant walks after losing £2,000 from the fund for snoozing. Four remain.
Clare S, Chris, Jimmy and Jonathan compete in a reaction test, and someone gets eliminated.
The final day finishes with a head-to-head between the remaining three to see who could stay awake the longest with their eyes covered and the lights off. One winner comes away with a final total of £97,000 after the contestants are able to win back some of the snoozed-away money.