An elite team of American fishermen comes face to face with a deadly predator as they launch a bold, unprecedented mission to catch and tag 50 Great White sharks. Led by explorer Chris Fischer and accompanied by a world-class team of scientists, the crew of the Ocearch put it all on the line in a race to save the shark from extinction by decoding the global puzzle of shark movements and behaviors. They do what no one else dares, wrangling massive sharks by hand as they catch them and attach satellite tracking tags that return real-time location data every time the sharks surface.
Day two of the expedition to hunt and tag 50 Great White sharks in 40 days: Chris Fischer and his crew are stalking and tagging the infamous great white "Fighters of Mossel Bay", South Africa. An epic battle to successfully haul and tag a fierce 10 foot female Great White pushes the team to their limits, but the day is only half done.
The search for a lost shark drives Chris and the crew on a dangerous rescue attempt; Chris makes a difficult choice.
Bad weather and a six-day marathon of fishing test science and fisherman alike; tensions between two crew members threaten to blow the mission apart; the legendary Monster of Bird Island.
Chris Fischer and crew head to a bay that's a known hotspot for sharks as big as pick-up trucks. Facing a time limit, the men fish around the clock--risking life and limb to catch huge sharks in the dead of night.
Brett is forced to dive into shark-infested waters to correct a mistake; a 48-hour fishing marathon bruises a battered crew.