鬼化した花の力をおさめたと思ったのも束の間、再び鬼化した花を前にピンチに陥るガッコとナマハ。その瞬間にアルミが現れ…。アルミはガッコを「チームハオ 対鬼師団長」と呼び、合流した葉羽をガッコに「チームハオの仲間」だと紹介。何が何やらわかっていない花と葉羽に対し、アルミは『フラワーオブメイズ』の説明を始める。
Hana a affronté Gakko et Namaha dans le cimetière habituel. Avec Yohane et Alumi également sur les lieux, cette dernière peut désormais expliquer les tenants et aboutissants du Flower of Maize. Les forces se rassemblent, mais tout le monde n’a pas le même niveau de préparation.
Hana confrontou Gakko e Namaha no cemitério de sempre. Com Yohane e Alumi também em cena, ela pode agora explicar melhor sobre o Flower of Maize. As forças estão se unindo, mas nem todos têm o mesmo nível de preparação.
Just when Gakko and Namaha think they have conquered the power of the demonized flower, they find themselves in a pinch when faced with the demonized flower again. At that moment, aluminum appeared... Aluminum calls Gakko ``Team Hao Anti-Demon Division Commander,'' and introduces Haba, who has joined them, to Gakko as ``a member of Team Hao.'' Hana and Haha don't know what's going on, so Alumi begins to explain about ``Flower of Maze.''