Ron and Valerie Taylor have dedicated more than 50 years of their lives to the understanding of the world's oceans. This documentary reveals their intimate relationship with the sea, focusing on the ocean's most vicious predator - the shark. It explores this misunderstood animal and highlights its intelligence.
Ron and Valerie Taylor have spent their lives travelling the world's oceans. They have explored thousands of dive sites off every continent on earth. This documentary takes an intimate look at the places most of us will never have a chance to see for ourselves - from the strange barnacled landscape of the shipwrecked Yongala to the home of the world's largest school of Hammerhead Sharks.
Ron and Valerie Taylor have had a long association with the world's oceans. They have helped the world shift their attitude to life in the sea. This documentary takes viewers on a journey through the years that Ron and Valerie fought and lost their conservation battle to save sealions, to the legislated protection of the Great White Shark in 1988. Ron and Valerie explain and share their affection for the creatures that live beneath our oceans.