Tsuyoshi wakes up admist trash in the city of Shibuya with no recollection of the past, throwing up a note from Revu that says "escape Shibuya". After exploring the city, he finds Asagi on Bunkamu territory being chased by them while in search for Chiko, a member of her gang. He helps her fight them off, but is parted with violently. Hearing during the fight that he belongs to the Palhands, Tsuyoshi searches for his group. After finding them, he learns that he is the Palhands gofer named Shouta. He finds out that it is Palhands is the one keeping Chiko hostage. Soon after, they are confronted by Lovegen. During the ensuing battle, Tsuyoshi helps Chiko escape. Chiko feeds him, but then chases him for him for his blood. However Piece marks her and kills her. However, Ema appears, summons armor, and defeats Piece. She tells Tsuyoshi that his real name is not Shouta.
どんよりとした雲に包まれた、不気味な街。その路地裏で少年ツヨシは、目を覚ます。口の中には紙切れが入っていて、「シブヤから出ろ レヴ」と血文字で書かれていた。ふと見上げると「109」と思いきやその横に「108」、上空にはゆっくりと浮遊する飛行船…ここは、知っているような知らない街《シブヤ》であった…。