I started a mid-tempo jungle tune a long time ago (before 2010 I think) and never finished it. When I listened back to it I knew in my heart that there was something special in there. Since I lost the original session files the only choice was to recreate it from scratch - and then see it through to completion. The result is this track Same Old. Two tunings were used, the harmonic series segment 8-16 and the subharmonic series segment 10-5. That subharmonic segment is a pentatonic scale that I love very much - one of its notes has a distinctly bluesy intonation. As for the 8-16 harmonic series segment, it sounds pure and super familiar. All of the notes except for the 11th, 13th and 7th harmonic are well represented in normie music. The chords that you hear are all 8:10:12:15 - that means they are all maj7 chords in just intonation. Each note from the harmonic series segment is the root of a 8:10:12:15 chord.