This tutorial shows you how to export microtonal scales using Scala tuning software. You can use your exported scale files to tune up various synths that support these files. Three important types of tuning file are Scala tuning files (.scl/.kbm), AnaMark tuning files (.tun), and MIDI tuning standard tuning dumps (.mid sequence with sysex data). You can produce all of these tuning files using the free software Scala. Of course there are other standards in use, and Scala supports a lot of those too. Three commands you'll learn in this tutorial are: set synth 112 -- sets up for exporting .tun files set synth 107 -- sets up for exporting MIDI tuning dumps show synthesizer -- shows a list of support synths Scala can tune practically any kind of microtonal scale you want. Traditional tunings, equal temperaments, just intonation, empirical scales, moment of symmetry, combination product sets, they're all possible. Then you can retune various synths using the method shown here.