In 2014, a mysterious gunman killed Senzo Meyiwa at girlfriend Kelly Khumalo's home. What can the other people who were there tell us about that night?
En 2014, un mystérieux tireur abat Senzo Meyiwa chez sa petite amie, Kelly Khumalo. Que peuvent nous dire les autres personnes présentes le soir du drame ?
Em 2014, um atirador misterioso matou Senzo Meyiwa na casa de sua namorada Kelly Khumalo. O que as outras pessoas que estavam lá podem nos contar sobre esta noite?
Im Jahr 2014 wird Senzo Meyiwa im Haus seiner Freundin Kelly Khumalo von einem Unbekannten erschossen. Was wissen die an jenem Abend Anwesenden über diesen Mord?