Renowned Manhattan real-estate agent Ryan Serhant attempts to impart his professional wisdom on Tim, a struggling wine salesman in Millbrook, New York. The issue is Tim can hardly sell a single bottle to customers, let alone the cases his boss David expects on a daily basis. Ryan has just one week to figure out what's holding Tim back and uncork his potential....if he can't, 2018 will not make a good vintage.
Ryan's invited to a waxing salon in Tribeca to try and help Mariel, but he's unprepared for how hairy the challenge becomes. Since Mariel can barely talk about the product to her customers without getting flustered, Ryan has to do everything he can to make her comfortable, which in turn means putting himself in some very sticky situations. From getting waxed to convincing customers to get Brazilians and Manzilians....Ryan will do whatever it takes to prevent Mariel's boss from ripping her job away.
Ryan faces his hardest challenge yet: helping a salesperson who hasn't made a single sale... ever! Frank used to work in the restaurant business, but when his world got completely upended, his friend Paul got him a job selling kitchens and custom cabinets. The problem is, Frank doesn't know anything about kitchens, cabinets, or even selling! Ryan has to start at the root of the problem, not only professionally, but personally. If he can't figure out a blueprint for success, Frank's boss will close the door on him for good.
Amanda is averaging less than one hot tub sale a month, and is now in hot water with her boss Joe. Ryan has just one week to show her how to have more fun with the selling process so he's willing to try anything, even if that means stepping into the customer's shoes... or rather, bathing suit! Unfortunately, if Amanda can't find a way to be more bubbly, she will not only lose her job but her house as well.
Erick was once his company's top apartment rental agent, but there's a new rival at his company who is determined to take over Erick's spot and his clients. Ryan arrives and helps Erick try to find his former self.
Jill is hanging on by a thread at her dress sales job, and her boss Jacqueline isn't budging an inch. Ryan has just five days to help get Jill at Maddie's level, who is a sequin-selling superstar and averages four times the commissions as Jill.
Lisa is the only woman at a boys-club commercial real estate brokerage, and she is finding it difficult to impress her boss. Ryan has one week to figure out how to help her before she gets evicted not only from her job, but from her house as well.
Jen is in hot water at her job selling scrubs and lotions, and as if that weren't enough pressure, her boss is also her boyfriend's mom...whom she lives with! Ryan knows that when it comes to business, financials always come before family. This means he has to do everything he can to turn Jen the caterpillar into Jenny the butterfly, all with very little time to complete the metamorphosis. But when it finally seems like he's getting her to open up, Jen's past may shut down their hopes for good.