Yi Eon’s grandmother continues to pressure Yi Eon to marry a woman she chooses for him. Yi Eon resists until the day he leaves for Ganghwa Island in order to catch Park Tae Seo. In the market, Jo Yi runs into Seung Yul who now works as a lawyer. Seung Yul sincerely tells his feelings for her with a gift that Jo Yi wanted to have years ago. Meanwhile, Park Tae Seo finds out a secret about his birth and falls into a state of panic.
La abuela de Yi-eon hace que una sirviente espíe a la amante de su nieto. Le encargan a Jo-yi un pedido de calcetines con una característica especial.
A avó de Yi-eon manda uma empregada espionar a jovem por quem o neto é apaixonado. Jo-yi recebe uma encomenda especial de meias com um detalhe peculiar.
Yi-eons Großmutter beauftragt eine Dienerin, der Liebhaberin ihres Enkels nachzuspionieren. Jo-yi bekommt den Auftrag, besondere Socken mit Spezialfunktion herzustellen.