Yūto and Haruka continue maintain their close relationship, while Shiina’s own feelings for Yūto grow stronger. In preparation for their school trip to Hokkaido, everyone has a reunion at Yūto’s house which soon turns into a party, where afterwards Shiina decides to confess to Yūto during the trip. Once in Hokkaido, Yūto and Haruka spend their free time together, albeit accompanied by Mika, Hazuki, and Nanami who tagged along. At the day’s end, Haruka tells Yūto that she had fun and asks him if they could have another date, to which he happily agrees to. Back at the hotel, Shiina takes Yūto out to the city where she confess that she loves him, which Haruka who had followed them also hears.
修学旅行で北海道へ行くことになった裕人たち。なぜか美夏や葉月、那波たちまで一緒になって行動プランを練り上げて、準備は万端。しかも旅行中、裕人は春香と自由行動時間に上手く二人だけになることが出来た。そこで春香の行きたいスポットを一緒に巡って、ちょっとしたデート気分でいいムード♪ 一方椎菜は、裕人へ自分の想いを伝えようと心に決めて旅行に来ていた。