Due to Yoon Jin’s urging, Jae Yeol opens the storage room located at their villa. In there, Yoon Jin finds all of Min Ji’s belongings such as the furniture she used and their family photos together. Jae Yeol tells her that he couldn’t throw them away. Meanwhile, Eun Young gets kidnapped by a man dressed in all black who claims that he is taking her to Yoon Jin.
별장 창고에 숨겨진 재열의 비밀을 알게 된 윤진은 자리에 주저앉아 오열한다.
한편 언니의 죽음과 관련된 진실을 전하려는 은영은 위험을 무릅쓰고 윤진을 만나러 가는데..