The first day of school gets off to a shaky start when Ester and Polvina decide to stop on their way to help a young whale caught up in some netting.
Tubarina learns a lesson about telling the truth after a pearl she steals from her father's sceptre plunges into the depths of the Abysmal Kingdom. Ester and Polvina set out on a mission to help Tubarina retrieve it.
Ester's Grandmother is due to arrive at the Starfish palace any minute, but Ester has more important business to take care of. She must journey with her friends to Dryland to help rescue a beached whale.
Ester's conscience starts to play tricks on her when she keeps a pair of penguin shaped earrings she finds in the sand, knowing they more than likely belong to her friend, Isa.
The princesses are all very disappointed because the night of the Royal Ball has finally come and they are forbidden to attend. But curiosity gets the better of them and they decide to sneak into the ball!
The princesses can't wait for their friend, Leo the whale shark, to pass by on his yearly migration, but grow very concerned when they find him ill and in desperate need of their help.
Polvina's diary has been stolen, and everyone at school is on the hunt for it. Ester and Tubarina want to help Polvina, but deep down are more intent on reading it to find out exactly what Polvina's secrets are!
Polvina and her pet, Tentie, find a beautiful box containing an octopus doll and an indecipherable note scribbled in runes. Will they be able to find someone who might shed some light on it?
Ester and Polvina rush to school and smack into the Turtle King; his crown getting knocked right off his head and snapped up by a boat's hook. The girls set out on a mission to retrieve it for the unhappy King.
Ester and Marli confidently set out on their first babysitting job. But it all goes horribly wrong when they lose the Sea Lion King's son, Naimo, who disappears in search of his favourite toy.
Polvina's friend, Elektra returns from a long trip to the Farlands. The Princesses become so focused on planning Elektra's welcome home that they forget all about the one thing that really matters - Elektra herself.
Polvina's family are forced to move out when a mass of crabs swarm the Octopus Palace in search of a place to rest during their migration. Polvina's excited because it means she can take turns staying with her friends.
With Marcello and Hugo in hot pursuit, Ester, Polvina and Tubarina set off to find a monster octopus they've heard exists.
Polvina is madly trying to organise the end of term class party when she breaks her father's special Star Pen. The King is deeply upset and Ester is forbidden to attend the party. How will she make it to the party now?
Tubarina is mortified when a very unflattering sculpture that Ester has made of her and Polvina is entered into the Salacian Art Competition. She convinces Polvina that they have to subvert the exhibition.
Tubarina finds herself in hot water when a cryptic picture she drew of Miss Marla gets caught up with an assignment she submits. She must retrieve it before Miss Marla finds it and sentences her to lifelong detention.
Tensions erupt between the three girls when they discover a young fish that needs taking care of. Each princess feels that she should be the one to look after it and their friendship is sorely tested
Ester and Tubarina can't find out what's troubling Polvina. Why does she suddenly fall ill every time they begin to rehearse for the school concert? Polvina faces the challenge of admitting to her problem.
The Shark King and Starfish King have an argument, resulting in Ester and Tubarina being told they are not to see each other anymore. Poor Polvina, caught in the middle, strives to discover where the truth really lies.
Tubarina has to give a talk to the class about the history of Salacia, which doesn't quite go to plan when Marcello and Hugo play a trick on her and leave her speechless and stumped before the amused class.
Ester has once more failed to deliver her homework on time and Miss Marla's tolerance is stretched to breaking point. She demands a reasonable explanation. Ester takes the easy option and decides to tell a lie!
As part of a class in map reading, the princesses and princes are given an exercise in orienteering where they must find their way around a course on the ocean floor.
The Drylanders are creating turmoil throughout Salacia as they search for a missing child. Ester, Polvina and Tubarina decide to join the search in order to restore peace and safety to their world
Polvina's pet octopus, Tentie, is sick and needs help from the Princesses. Every time he laughs he lets off a thick cloud of ink! Poor little Tentie is very embarrassed
The Starfish King has a very special gift for the princesses and princes - an old hall that they may use for whatever they wish. Arguments arise between the children as they all have different and competing ideas.
Tubarina's parents have to go away for a week and this means Tubarina is the senior royal left at home. Ester and Polvina are shocked when Tubarina's personality undergoes a major change. Can they save Tubarina from herself?
Polvina's pet octopus, Tentie, is sick and needs help from the Princesses. Every time he laughs he lets off a thick cloud of ink! Poor little Tentie is very
The girls and their friend, Elektra, are star gazing one night when a star drops from the sky and into the ocean. When they find the fallen star, they are disappointed. It's not like they thought it would be.
There's no better prankster at school than Vivi. No one has ever been able to out trick her. Until now that is, because Ester and Tubarina are determined to be the first. But how can they do it?
Maurico, the Urchin Prince, is looking to form a team in the Flubberball Little League. Ester is the best player around but Maurico refuses to have a girl in his team. Ester plans to form her own team for the League.
Ester loves bringing home stray animals and fish. The Starfish Palace is fit to burst with her friends. Ester's mother, the Starfish Queen, puts her foot down. If Ester brings one more friend home, then everyone has..
A gathering of hammerhead sharks is about to take place near Salacia. It's an amazing sight and the girls want to go. They ask Marcello to take them when he goes to the gathering. The trouble is that Marcello isn't ..
Tubarina's brother, Veto, is coming home. Tubarina isn't overjoyed because everyone's attention is on him. Tubarina discovers a secret of Veto's, but will she really blackmail her own brother?
Why is there no Barracuda Princess? After reading through old histories, the girls discover that there was a Barracuda Kingdom which is now lost. The girls are ecstatic at the idea of searching for a Lost Kingdom
Marcello is looking for an easy way to do a school project. His scheme is to join the right project group where he knows he'll get away with doing as little work as possible. He decides that Soraia's group is perfect!
Ester thinks love stories are ridiculous. Well, maybe it's not so ridiculous when Ester is struck with a crush for the new boy Caton.
Ester finds a strange thing that's dropped from Dryland down into Salacia. At first the girls don't have any idea what it could be, until Ester plays around and puts it on her head. It fits perfectly!
The schoolyard is in uproar as a huge argument takes place. Miss Marla demands to know who started the argument. It seems Tubarina started it, but only after she was hit in the nose with a big ripe Dingleberry!
It's Polvina's birthday and Ester and Tubarina have a surprise party for her and also a surprise makeover! When the makeover turns out to be an ugly disaster, Ester and Tubarina have to try and unmake it before the ..
Marli is visiting Tubarina when she spots Tubarina's favourite doll, Bebe. Marli is surprised that Tubarina still has dolls. Under pressure, Tubarina gives her doll up to a charity collection for old toys.
There's a superstition that if you see a Nautilus, you should make a wish for your best friend. One day, Polvina is lucky enough to see a Nautilus and makes a wish. Now Tubarina and Ester want to know who her best friend is.
Miss Marla is away and the girls have a substitute teacher, Mr Bernardo. Polvina gets off onto the wrong foot with Mr Bernardo, to the point where he thinks that Polvina is the class troublemaker.
The girls wake up to find that the ocean is freezing, thanks to a giant iceberg that's floated right above Salacia. Even though this iceberg is huge, it will eventually melt, but meanwhile everyone will suffer from the cold.
Gummy, Tubarina's pet shark, has got himself overweight.The girls have got to help Gummy lose weight sot hey ask for the help of two dolphins to be Gummy's personal trainers.
The Sea Princesses are cheerful, adventurous and irrepressible young girls doing what they can to care for all the life forms that live under the sea.
Ester and Marcello are challenging each other to a series of silly dares to see who will back down first. But as they each refuse to back down, the dares become more dangerous.
The girls are playing with Delfi and her two friends, Ping and Patchy. Another dolphin, Nub, joins them but he isn't what he appears to be. He leads Ping and Patchy into a Drylander trap. Will the girls be able to save them?
Everyone at school is building a float for a parade at the Salacian Carnival. Well, everyone is supposed to be building a float, but Polvina seems to doing most of the work
Lia, the Lion Fish Princess, hasn't been to school for a couple of days. The girls visit the Lion Fish Palace and discover that she's missing. They look for clues to where she could be and seek the help of the Mimic Octopus
Everyone at school gets a turn at being the Lunch Monitor, except for Tubarina. She wonders why it's never her turn. No one wants her to have a turn because they're afraid the power will go to her head..
Angelica, the Angel Fish Princess, asks the girls if they could look after her pet, Scooter. Tubarina volunteers and Angelica reluctantly agrees. She's worried that Tubarina will be careless when looking after Scooter
The girls are preparing for a shellsled race against the boys. They crash during a practice run but no one is hurt. Ester doesn't want to practice anymore. Is Ester actually frightened of something?
The Sea Princesses are having to go the long way to school to avoid two very grumpy turtles. Tubarina decides that she will bring the two turtles together, because they're probably just lonely.
The barracuda, who are normally scary, are swimming around Salacia. The sea princesses think something strange is going on. Could this Drylander swimming with the barracuda be the descendant of the Barracuda sea princess?
Polvina is asked to write a review of a ballet concert that Ester and Tubarina are dancing in. Unfortunately, the two princesses are clumsy dancers and they end up banging into each other and destroying the set.
Every time Ester gets angry with Marli bad things happen. Polvina and Tubarina tell her she's creating bad vibes. She decides she must try to think of something nice to say to Marli, and break the bad vibe spell quickly!
Bia sends a note to the princesses telling them she's coming to visit. They're delighted but Marli and Vivi are not. They've heard that Bia from the Abysmal Kingdom is a strange creature with six tentacles who walks weirdly.
The three princes have started a band so they can enter the 'Battle of the Bands' competition. Tubarina, Polvina and Ester decide they'll start a flute-playing band, and beat them. But who will win the 'Battle of the Bands'?
It's Salacia Day and every year Ester's grandmother knits her an embarrassing red beanie, which she loses so she can wear something much cooler. This year, she replaces it with a headband, just as her grandmother appears.
Polvina is doing the boys' homework again and Ester and Tubarina have had enough. They're going to help Polvina be bad instead of good for a change.
Ester spots a dolphin with some drylanders and decides to rescue it.
Drylanders are exploring nearby, and the sea princesses realise they need help from some tiny shrimps.
Miss Marla asks Polvina to help the dreamy Angelica study for her geometry test.
Caramelo the Sea Snail Prince goes in search of an adventure.
The Sea Princesses meet a sweet old woman called Bonnie who could do with a helping hand...or fin.
When Tentie returns home covered in dirty muck, Polvina and her friends go in search of what caused it.
Marcello invites a seriously destructive house guest to Shark Palace.
Ester is proud of her idea to improve the school. She's going to paint a beautiful mural on the gym wall. When she goes to tell Miss Marla, Elektra the Electric Eel Princess is already there, suggesting the exact same thing!
Tubarina knows the Shark King and Marcello are planning something secretive and she doesn't like to miss out on anything. So when they try to make a quick getaway the next morning, Tubarina and her friends are on their trail.
When Polvina gets hurt helping Ester find gemstones, Ester feels guilty and is more than happy to help her friend. Polvina is bedridden while Ester gets her homework from school, serves her drinks and food and reads to her.
Tubarina and Ester find Polvina studiously studying a family of albatross. She wants to learn how to fly like a bird. The other two are sceptical, but she's convinced it's worth trying.
At the museum, Tubarina finds Salacia's crown jewels. She's disappointed by the lack of gemstones. As she goes to move away from the display, the glass case mysteriously opens and the ring lands on her hand.
It's whale migration season and the ocean is a highway for the whale population. The engines of whale-watching boats disturb the whales, so Leia and the three Sea Princesses set about creating a diversion so they can pass.
The sea princesses have a school assignment to do on the history of the Guardians of Salacia. Tubarina is convinced the guardians are sharks, Ester is convinced they are Octopus, and Polvina is convinced they are Starfish.
The three friends are discussing how they will be friends forever when their pets, playing a ballgame outside Shark Palace, smash a window. The girls blame one another's pets for the accident and then storm off enraged.
When Polvina finds some pretty shells laid on a rock, Tubarina and Ester are convinced that they've been left by a secret admirer. The three princesses finally catch sight of a drylander boy, who is taking pictures of them.
Ester is the best player on the sea-ball team. But when Leia plays for the first time and is a total natural, the crowd goes wild. Ester is not pleased.
Marcello starts taking piano lessons taken by Socita. He starts behaving strangely, and asks Tubarina for advice on what girls like. She can't resist but give him some terrible advice in the hope that he embarrasses himself.
When Tubarina finds a shark caught in ropes attached to a broken anchor, she sets it free. The shark is so grateful that he falls in love with her! Tubarina quickly gets tired of the besotted shark following her everywhere.
The Shark King admires Tubarina's flower and suggests she enter it in the Salacian flower show. Tubarina decides she won't just enter, she'll win! But the twins, Juli and Jessi, always win the flower show...
When the Shark King leaves a secret treasure map lying around, Tubarina, Marcello, Ester and Polvina see it and go off in search of the treasure. Will they be able to work together to follow the map and find the treasure?
Bia wakes Ester in the middle of the night and asks for her help. The next day, Ester, Tubarina and Polvina swim down to the Abysmal Kingdom to find Giant Starfish swarming all over Bia's home.
When Hugo dazzles everyone at school with his magic abilities, Marcello becomes jealous of all the attention his best friend is suddenly getting. He decides it would be clever to mess up Hugo's magic show.
When Tubarina rescues a small, scared shark she takes it back to the Shark Palace. Nip is a very nervous shark, and doesn't want to be touched. Tubarina wants him to be happy and asks the Shark King for advice.
Ester really wants a skin picture because it's such a cool and fashionable thing. Her parents tell her she can't have it but she wont be deterred. When Vivi tells her she can give her a skin picture, Ester jumps at the chance.
Polvina, Tubarina and Ester follow a bale of turtles on their way to the beach to lay eggs. Polvina gets in the way of one and is bitten on the hand. It hurts - and Polvina is spooked by every creature she sees from then on.
Tubarina wants a surprise party for her birthday and pleads with Polvina and Ester to organise one. The two friends prepare the food and decorations and get everything ready for the big event. But they've forgotten something.
Marcello wants to have the biggest muscles ever - and then wakes to find his dream has turned into a living nightmare.
Tubarina and Ester compete to see who can make the best seaweed slice for the school fete.
When Ester sees a ship crash onto some rocks she has to quickly work out how to prevent all the oil from spilling out and destroying Salacia.
After Polvina saves a sea bass from a diver's net, she 's surprised to discover that instead of being grateful, it becomes very aggressive towards her.
Dart the shark loves playing tricks but this time he plays one trick too many.
When Marcello boasts that boys are never afraid, the sea princesses decide to show him that in this respect, boys and girls are exactly the same.
The sea princesses help an ailing penguin and get the chance to visit its colony.
Marcello discovers that if he flatters people enough he can get them to do all his work for him.
A seaquake rocks Salacia and everyone has to evacuate before their homes are destroyed.
When two spider crabs arrive in Salacia and fight endlessly between themselves, Sirilo, the crab prince, has to prove he's the strongest one of all.
Gummy loves reading stories about princesses and he wonders why Tubarina isn't like the fairytale princesses in books. Tubarina wonders too and asks the Shark King for a crown and a gold carriage so she can be a real princess.
Hugo, Tubarina and Marcello all love the Pigpimples books which feature a place called the 'Crack of Doom'. So when Hugo tells them he's discovered a real Crack of Doom, they all desperately want to see it.
Ester and Spikey notice that Bib the Blowfish is not feeling well but they don't know what's wrong with him. A strange boy suddenly arrives and somehow seems to know exactly what's ailing the blowfish.
The sea princesses and Marcello are busy cooking pearl drops for a school picnic. They leave the drops unattended to look for Hugo. When they return however, all the drops are gone. Who could have taken them?
Miss Marla chooses Polvina, Ester and Marcello to represent the class in a Maths challenge. Tubarina is outraged - Marcello instead of her? Tubarina is determined that Marcello will have to forfeit his place for her.
When Ester overhears her grandmother talking about the ultimate beauty product - a rare, red seaweed - she decides she wants some for herself. The girls won't give up in trying to find this rare seaweed...
The sound of a shark wail brings Tubarina, Polvina and Ester down to the Abysmal Kingdom. A lonely Goblin Shark is calling for company. None of the girls has ever seen a shark like this. Perhaps it is one of a kind!