Nick Mundy (Conan & Screen Junkies), Alicia Malone (AMC Rewind), and Roger Barr (iMockery) debate with host Andy Signore (Creator of Honest Trailers) over the following Movie Fights for the week of 3/27: 0:03:26 FIGHT 1: Will Jesse Eisenberg be a good Lex Luthor? 0:15:02 FIGHT 2: Tom Cruise: Great actor or popular movie star? 0:22:20 FIGHT 3: Mission Impossible vs Fast & Furious 0:34:51 FIGHT 4: Which cast should reunite for a sequel? 0:46:30 FIGHT 5: Could Arnold Schwarzenegger be a dramatic actor? 0:53:09 FIGHT 6: Best American remake of a foreign film? 1:00:12 FIGHT 7: Best movie cameo? 1:08:02 FIGHT 8: Speed Round