Spencer Gilbert (writer of ""Honest Trailers""), Mark Ellis (Schmoes Know), Roger Barr (from I-Mockery), and Dan Murrell (Director & Editor of Screen Junkies) debate with host Andy Signore (Creator of ""Honest Trailers"") over the following Movie Fights for the week of 11/23/14: PICK YOUR FIGHT 4:10 FIGHT 1: Do the Hunger Games Movies Suck? 14:00 FIGHT 2: Which Major Superhero Would Win the Hunger Games? 24:41 FIGHT 3: Best Third Installment of a Franchise? 36:03 FIGHT 4: Do We Need Young Cyclops and Jean Grey in X:Men Apocalypse? 39:40 FIGHT 5: Dream Arnold Schwarzenegger Sequel? 46:10 FIGHT 6: Can the CGI Peanuts Movie be any Good? 51:47 FIGHT 7: Which Disney Animated Film Should be Made Into a Live Action Movie?1:00:36 FIGHT 8: Best Ensemble Cast in a Movie?