Home / Series / Scrappy Races Rally / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 3

Moorland Stage

Moorland Stage Race Day The test began in the order the teams left the build: Chainsaw Clan, Maximus, followed by those that used up all the build time, Rally Dragons and Staffordshire Bulls. The Clan's pincers worked a treat on the sheep-grabbing part of the test, allowing them to maintain their head start on Maximus. They got to the sheep pen and fired twice, only narrowly missing. More power was put into the air spring to get the extra range they needed. As they released the catch the arm sprang forward but snapped halfway down. They were off to the pits for a quick repair. Meanwhile, Maximus had been struggling with their sheep spike, which couldn't penetrate the metal sheep. But they finally managed to spear it and overtook the Clan while they were in the pits. At the pen, Maximus powered up their compressor and watched anxiously as the pressure climbed in the tank. Finally they had enough air and Will opened the ball valve, which acted as the trigger, releasing the air and shooting the sheep forward. Unbelievably, they had too much air and the sheep went too far. A quick adjustment and they fired again. Bullseye! Maximus had stolen the lead off the Clan. They raced for the line and extended their time advantage as Scrappy Races Rally leaders. By now the Clan had fixed their arm, but sadly the repaired metal couldn't stand the strain and broke again. They had used their allocated pit stop so had no option but to retire. Battle for second The Dragons and Bulls were now fighting it out for second place on the moorland stage. Unfortunately, the Dragons' machine proved better at smashing their windscreen than launching their sheep and they also had to retreat to the pits for repairs. This meant second place was open for the Bulls' fearsome flinger. They powered it up but watched in horror as the main wire began to burn. Rob vowed to always use a fuse in future but fortunately they were able to employ their duplicate wire. They turned the

  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Channel 4
  • Created December 5, 2010 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified December 5, 2010 by
    Administrator admin