O’Maley opens the first door, which leads to the breakroom, and Cory is relieved that there are no monsters to fight. All that is in this room are two vending machines and a place to rest for a bit. Cory and O’Maley decide to get some food from the vending machines and chill out for a bit. Cory runs up to the vending machine and starts banging on it, demanding for food. Cory receives a snack from the machine and then turns to the legendary water cooler. After O’Maley types out and receives a cup of joe from it, Uni informs Cory and O’Maley that this is in fact SCP-294. SCP-294 dispenses a liquid cup of whatever you want. So in O’Maley’s case, a cup of joe was not coffee, but an actual cup of a man named Joe. Delicious! Cory has SCP-294 dispense a cup of his favorite Mountain Dew Baja Blast as Uni alerts them of an oncoming SCP down the hall.