Daphnes Vater veranstaltet ein Abendessen, um einen chinesischen Gast zu beeindrucken. Plötzlich taucht ein angsteinflössender Zauberer auf, der vor dem Fluch des "Herz des Drachen" warnt. Fred versucht den Zauberer zu schnappen, indem er ihm eine Falle stellt.
When an exchange student named Mai Le comes to Crystal Cove, she draws the affection of Shaggy. A dinner party hosted by the Blake Family is interrupted by the Red Wizard warning to stay away from the Dragon's Heart which he has sworn to protect at all cost. Later, Mai Le and the gang to come under attack by a White Wizard who is after Mai Le's ring, and the Red Wizard comes to the gang's rescue, but he is too late to save the ring. The Red Wizard turns out to be Mr. Chen, the owner of Chen's Internet Cafe and Tea House. He reveals that with the White Wizard, now in possession of all four rings, is able to open the Jade Dragon's Heart, which is a priceless ruby. Will the gang solve the mystery or is everything not as it seems?
Quand une étudiante d'échange appelé Mai Le vient à Crystal Cove, elle attire l'affection de Shaggy. Un dîner organisé par la famille Blake est interrompu par l'avertissement du Magicien Rouge de rester loin de Cœur du Dragon qu'il a juré de protéger à tout prix.
Il padre di Daphne organizza una cena con un ospite cinese ma un mago terrificante fa la sua comparsa mettendoli in guardia su una maledizione.
Quando uma estudante estrangeira chamada Mai Lee chega à cidade para ficar com Velma, estranhos feiticeiros praticantes de kung fu atacam a cidade à procura dela.
Depois que a estudante de intercâmbio Mai Lee aparece na cidade para se hospedar com Velma, estranhos magos do kung fu começam a atacar a cidade.
Když výměnná studentka jménem Mai Le přijede do Křišťálové Zátoky, přitahuje Shaggyho náklonnost. Večírek pořádaný rodinou Blakeů je přerušen varováním Dračího bojovníka.