The New Scooby and Scrappy Doo Show is the sixth incarnation of the Hanna-Barbera Saturday morning cartoon Scooby-Doo. The show is a return to the mystery solving format and reintroduces Daphne after a four-year absence. The plots of each episode feature her, Shaggy, Scooby-Doo, and Scrappy-Doo solving supernatural mysteries under the cover of being reporters for a teen magazine.
Name | First Aired | Runtime | Image | |
S05E01 | Scooby The Barbarian |
September 10, 1983
11 | |
S05E02 | No Sharking Zone |
September 10, 1983
11 | |
S05E03 | Scoobygeist |
September 10, 1983
11 | |
S05E04 | The Quagmire Quake Caper |
September 10, 1983
11 | |
S05E05 | Hound of the Scoobyvilles |
September 17, 1983
11 | |
S05E06 | The Dinosaur Deception |
September 17, 1983
11 | |
S05E07 | The Creature Came From Chem Lab |
September 17, 1983
11 | |
S05E08 | No Thanks, Masked Manx |
September 17, 1983
11 | |
S05E09 | Scooby of the Jungle |
September 24, 1983
11 | |
S05E10 | Scooby-Doo and Cyclops, Too |
September 24, 1983
11 | |
S05E11 | Scooby Roo |
October 1, 1983
11 | |
S05E12 | Scooby's Gold Medal Gambit |
October 1, 1983
11 | |
S05E13 | Wizards and Warlocks |
October 8, 1983
11 | |
S05E14 | Scoobsie |
October 8, 1983
11 | |
S05E15 | The Mark of Scooby |
October 15, 1983
11 | |
S05E16 | The Crazy Carnival Caper |
October 15, 1983
11 | |
S05E17 | Scooby and the Minotaur |
October 29, 1983
11 | |
S05E18 | Scooby Pinch Hits |
October 29, 1983
11 | |
S05E19 | The Fall Dog |
November 5, 1983
11 | |
S05E20 | The Scooby Coupe |
November 5, 1983
11 | |
S05E21 | Who's Minding the Monster? |
November 26, 1983
11 | |
S05E22 | Scooby ala Mode |
November 26, 1983
11 | |
S05E23 | Where's Scooby Doo? (Part 1) |
December 3, 1983
11 | |
S05E24 | Where's Scooby Doo? (Part 2) |
December 3, 1983
11 | |
S05E25 | Wedding Bell Boos! (Part 1) |
December 10, 1983
11 | |
S05E26 |
Wedding Bell Boos! (Part 2)
season finale
December 10, 1983
11 |