Ibarada suggests that one of the greatest factors in the base conditions of romantic love is "whether or not you want to kiss the person," so Yukimura decides to try to kiss Himuro. However, Himuro doesn't like the idea of a kiss where the exact angle is measured with a protractor. When Himuro realizes that if the mood were more like it had been in the Ferris wheel, she might not mind a kiss, she and Yukimura create an equation to numerically define "mood value." In what location might the "mood value" be highest? And will the two of them be able to kiss...?!
Man hat beschlossen, sich an einem Kuss zu versuchen. Aber ohne Kontrollgruppe kann man nicht sicher sein, ob ein Kuss auch wirklich Ausdruck der Liebe ist. Also müssen die Mitglieder des Forschungslabors Ikeda für ein weiteres Experiment herhalten ...
Como parece faltar muita coisa ainda para concluir se Himuro ama ou não Yukimura, foi sugerido mais um experimento: o beijo.
Jusqu’ici, les expériences n’ont rien donné de concluant. L’équipe décide de passer à la vitesse supérieure en tentant l’expérience du baiser. Mais dans quelles circonstances celui-ci peut-il réellement se faire ?
Un beso es algo complejo, así que primero hay que determinar las condiciones ideales y encontrar la fórmula que ayude a calcularlo.