In the first episode of the series, CCTV captures the moment two boys are rescued from a rising tide under Blackpool Central pier. After being swept into the sea when a wave catches them unawares, they are eventually heard by a security guard from the pier who raises the alarm. One quick-thinking stranger, spending the day on the beach with his family, decides to try to beat the waves and risks his own life to wade in and bring both boys out. In the Shetland Isles a fisherman Martin Garrick goes on his rowing boat to check his lobster pots off the coast of Sandness - only to find a seal caught in the line and being strangled to death by a rope around its neck.
A teenager falls from a waterfall and an unconscious man is rescued from an out-of-control van.
A tanker crew save two men from shark-infested seas, and petrol station workers save a woman from car jackers.
A couple on a mission to save rhinos are saved themselves, and a policeman rescues residents from a fire.
An injured climber on a cliff is rescued, and a missing, injured dog is saved by a rescuer with a drone.
A coastguard officer must rescue a paraglider who has crashed into a cliff in Dorset, and a pet dog gets stuck in a water pipe.
CCTV cameras capture the moment three masked men break into a house threatening a man and his wife. In Australia, a diver saves a manta ray caught on a fishing hook, and in the USA a flash flood causes a car to skid off the road into a fast-flowing river.
A young boy takes the steering wheel to save his mum’s life, and an off-duty fireman and nurse save the life of a fellow tourist who has fallen into a volcanic crater.
A climber falls from a cliff in the Lake District and must be rescued by helicopter, a deer gets tangled in a rope in a forest, and in the USA a boat catches fire in a marina.
In the Australian outback, a hiker falls from a waterfall, breaking his ankle and his phone. He has to drag himself three kilometres to a spot where he might be seen by passers-by. In the Bahamas, two brothers are diving off the coast when one starts to lose consciousness.