Home / Series / Saturday Night Live / Aired Order / Season 0 / Episode 743

The Best of Toonces and Friends

Based on skits from SNL. A cat who can drive a car, among other things. Homages to Terminator and a skit involving Abe Lincoln traveling through time.

Name Type Role
Jack Handey Writer
Lorne Michaels Executive Producer
John Fortenberry Director
Bob Odenkirk Actor
Linda Hamilton Actor Sarah Connor
Kevin McDonald Actor Zactu
Joe Flaherty Actor Abe Lincoln
Julia Sweeney Actor Mary Todd Lincoln
Andrea Martin Actor
Phil Hartman Actor The Terminator
Karen Allen Actor
Dana Carvey Actor Lyle Clark
Dave Foley Actor
Victoria Jackson Actor Brenda Clark
Griffin Dunne Actor Frank
Steve Martin Actor
David Clennon Actor Martian High Council Leader
Edward Furlong Actor John Connor
George Wendt Actor Mondo
Randy Quaid Actor Coach Dobbs