Love, lies, and secrets—all unfold in the dazzling world of male pageantry!
Who will win the crown, and who will steal the heart?
Stay tuned for the ultimate showdown of passion and betrayal!
Jack is competing in the Mister Universe Royale Philippines pageant to support his family, but he faces a dilemma between his childhood best friend, Tony, and Tomas, another contestant. As he pursues the crown, he must navigate complex emotions, testing his friendships and his focus. Meanwhile, Jarret and his sister, Cheesy, are struggling financially and meet Sarah, who convinces Jarret to join the Aces of Kings pageant to help his family and keep an eye on her son, Gin. As the competition intensifies, a romantic connection develops between Jarret and Gin, adding challenges to their lives.
Jack é um candidato determinado e apaixonado que vence um concurso nacional e se prepara para uma competição internacional. No entanto, enquanto persegue seu sonho, ele enfrenta as duras realidades e controvérsias em torno dos concursos de beleza masculinos, colocando sua resiliência e integridade à prova. Esta é a jornada de Jack, Tomas e o resto dos candidatos enquanto lutam pela coroa – e por algo ainda maior.