A dark cloud fires a ray that freezes a bunch of kids solid in ice. Seconds later, it melts them, and then flies off, unnoticed. At the Pizza Parlour, a bunch of kids are pushing Professor Ohm's son. A fight commences between Speedy and the kids but are interrupted by Francine. The boy explains that his father is out late and that his dad invented a device that can increase the power of any machine. Inside a cloud that Speedy sees, Bad Bird is holding Professor Ohm hostage. He is trying to force the professor to apply his invention to Big Cheese's weather machine. When Ohm refuses, Bad Bird has his robot, a mechanical flower, freeze him and then fry him. Ohm still won't give in, so Big Cheese threatens to do something to his son. When the Ninja Crows capture Speedy and Ohm's son, the professor is forced to give up his invention. When the invention is added to the robot, it unleashes its powers to turn the sunny day into a dreadful day. When the Pizza Cats and Meowzma is sent to the res
יש אנשים המתפללים לשינוי במזג האוויר. אך ביג צ'יז אינו לוקח סיכונים. הוא חוטף את החזאי הבכיר בעולם ומאלץ את נסיך הגשם להעניש את טוקיו הקטנה במחזור לא טבעי של גלי קור וחום.
Speedy ayuda a un niño a buscar a su padre, el inventor Prof. Ohm que reclama haber inventado algo que aumentar el poder de algún tipo de energía. El Gran Quesote lo mantiene de rehén para conseguir que él aplique su invención a su máquina de control del clima.