Bad Bird's robots are attacking the city but are disposed by the Pizza Cats. Cheese successfully has Emperor Fred let his friends dump their toxic potato peelings in Little Tokyo. As a bonus, the dumpers give Big Cheese a nuclear potato. The next day, everyone has gathered to watch the bribes from the ship being unloaded. Amongst the fancy treasure chests, there is an innocent-looking wooden box (which Speedy specualtes containing the nuclear potato). Al Dente calls the Pizza Cats into action, and they blast off towards the harbour. When they arrive, one of the Ninja Crows flys into the air, and begins showering the crowd with gifts. As they scramble to get them, the four robots carrying the box slip into a back alley unnoticed. Speedy happens to spot their retreat, and the Pizza Cats confront Bad Bird and his henchmen. A battle commences and Francine sends for Spritz T. Cat, the fourth member of the Rescue Team and he uses water from the ocean to short-circuit the robots. The nuclear
טוקיו הקטנה הופכת עד מהרה לאתר פסולת רדיואקטיביתאלא אם כן יצליחו החתולים הסמוראים לעצור את תוכניתו המרסקת של ביג צ'יז. הם זקוקים ליותר מכוחה של פיצה לרסק את הירק.
Pequeño Tokio se vuelve un basurero para las cáscaras de una patata tóxica, a cambio de regalos muy costosos para el Emperador. Entretanto, el Gran Quesote intenta robar una Patata Nuclear que está en la nave.