Sanzo-ikkhou gets to Kami-sama's castle. As they entered the castle, they were greeted by a 2 headed bunny/bear toy who can speak. They were informed that guns, cigarettes, kids and pets were not allowed. This of course is not heeded by the four and as a 'penalty', 'bad things will happen'. Suddenly pillars began fallin on them and they fled to a nearby fleet of stairs to escaped being crushed by the pillars. They ran up the stairs to find Kami-sama. "Smokes and idiots love high places." They ran up 13 floors, having to go thru challenges greeting them at each floor.
When they finally reach 13th floor, they were again greeted by the same two headed bunny/bear toy. It seems that there was an elevator in the building. When asked where Kami-sama was, the toy said that his master is at the lowest level. The floor below them suddenly opened into a trapdoor and our four guys falls WAYYYYYY down. With the help of Goku's nyoibou and the piles of toys stacked up at the ground floor, they managed to survive the fall. Kami-sama was awaiting them there.
A fight broke up between Sanzo-ikkhou and Kami-sama but this time Sanzo-ikkhou had a different approach: teamwork. During the battle, Sanzo suddenly remembered who Kami-sama was. He had met him before ten years ago. He also remembered of Kami-sama's master, Ukoku Sanzo Houshi. Kami-sama then claims that he is the rightful successor to the title Sanzo from his master. Sanzo disagrees with him. "You may have succeeded the power, the robe and the city, but you NEVER succeeded the title of Sanzo." This made Kami-sama rather angry as he sent his armies of toys at Sanzo-ikkhou.
Sanzo-ikkhou llega al castillo de Kami-sama. Cuando entraron al castillo, fueron recibidos por un juguete de conejo / oso de 2 cabezas que puede hablar. Se les informó que no se permitían armas, cigarrillos, niños ni mascotas. Esto, por supuesto, no es atendido por los cuatro y como 'penalti', 'pasarán cosas malas'. De repente, los pilares comenzaron a caer sobre ellos y huyeron a una flota cercana de escaleras para escapar de ser aplastados por los pilares. Subieron corriendo las escaleras para encontrar a Kami-sama. "Los fumadores y los idiotas aman los lugares altos". Subieron 13 pisos y tuvieron que atravesar desafíos para saludarlos en cada piso. Cuando finalmente llegaron al piso 13, nuevamente fueron recibidos por el mismo juguete de dos cabezas de conejo / oso. Parece que había un ascensor en el edificio. Cuando se le preguntó dónde estaba Kami-sama, el juguete dijo que su maestro estaba en el nivel más bajo.