Having Hakuryuu burnt out from the long tiring journey, Sanzo-ikkhou decided to stop by a city where there the people there live their everyday life according to the '780 Discipline'. The city is surrounded by a fortress which is said to be unbreakable. Upon arrival, Sanzo-ikkhou are greeted by flying arrows as they were thought to be intruders. The city lord, Souryu later met them and apologized for the sudden attack. They were welcomed into the city and later invited to a meal. Being used to living free and uncontrolled, Sanzo-ikkhou felt constrained and uncomfortable living in the rule-driven city. When youkais came to attack the city, they were well prepared and armed. When the city lord discovers that his son, Kensei is outside the city fortress, he decided to go by the rules and ordered his men not to open the gates of the fortress. What would become of Kensei How will the people of the city survive if they were confronted by a situation which is not in the rule-book?
Habiendo quemado a Hakuryuu por el largo y agotador viaje, Sanzo-ikkhou decidió pasar por una ciudad donde la gente vive su vida diaria de acuerdo con la 'Disciplina 780'. La ciudad está rodeada por una fortaleza que se dice que es irrompible. A su llegada, Sanzo-ikkhou son recibidos por flechas voladoras, ya que se pensaba que eran intrusos. El señor de la ciudad, Souryu, se reunió con ellos y se disculpó por el repentino ataque. Fueron recibidos en la ciudad y luego invitados a una comida. Acostumbrado a vivir libre y sin control, Sanzo-ikkhou se sintió limitado e incómodo viviendo en la ciudad impulsada por las reglas. Cuando los youkais vinieron a atacar la ciudad, estaban bien preparados y armados. Cuando el señor de la ciudad descubre que su hijo, Kensei, está fuera de la fortaleza de la ciudad, decidió seguir las reglas y ordenó a sus hombres que no abrieran las puertas de la fortaleza.