Pourtant en mission dans le rêve de Weiss, c’est au tour de Ruby d’être prise au piège par le Nightmare. La jeune chasseresse pourra néanmoins compter sur Jaune, resté à ses côtés durant cette épreuve.
In the dorm room, Weiss, smiling, hands Ruby a cup of coffee and the two talk. Weiss leave the room saying, “There is a reason for everything.” It was Ruby’s dream, who was possessed by the “Nightmare” due to her weakening spirit. Ruby awakes just in time with Jaune’s help. Meanwhile, Yang and Blake had been sent to a mansion, which looked like it was symbolizing the history of the conflict between the White Fang and the S.D.C. Ruby, who had returned to Weiss’ dream, and Blake each propose a new plan.
Depois de ser arranhada pelos espinhos do Nightmare, Ruby dorme e tem um sonho dentro do sonho da Weiss. Lá, a verdadeira Weiss fala com ela e explica seus motivos. Enquanto isso, Yang e Blake exploram a casa macabra.
Depois de ser arranhada pelos espinhos do Nightmare, Ruby dorme e tem um sonho dentro do sonho da Weiss. Lá, a verdadeira Weiss fala com ela e explica seus motivos. Enquanto isso, Yang e Blake exploram a casa macabra.
In der Albtraumwelt von Weiss sieht es nicht gut aus. Der Versuch, den Nightmare zu besiegen, ist fehlgeschlagen, Ruby ist ebenfalls infiziert worden und der Rest der Truppe ist wieder in den Außenbezirken. Und die Zeit wird knapp, Weiss - und sich selbst - noch zu retten.
Tras ser arañada por las espinas del Nightmare, Ruby duerme y tiene un sueño dentro del sueño de Weiss. Allí, la verdadera Weiss le habla y le explica sus motivos. Mientras tanto, Yang y Blake exploran la macabra casa.
와이스가 미소 지으며, '모든 일에는 이유가 있는 법'이라고 말한다. 그것은 약해진 마음을 나이트메어에게 사로잡힌 루비가 꾼 꿈이었다. 한편, 블레이크와 양은 화이트 팽에 대한 증오와 공포를 상징하는 듯한 저택으로 날려 보내지는데.