Yulie and Mia climb out of the rubble they have taken refuge in to sleep through the night as the city crumbles around them. Then Jun notices a growing glow not far away -- it is one of Ryo's katana's, the one he lost in his battle with Anubis. Mia grabs it up as White Blaze arrives. In ""tiger talk"" he makes it obvious he wants them to follow him. Deep inside Fuji, Ryo slumbers in the middle of a lava pit -- then slowly begins to wake.
In the audience chamber of Talpa's castle, Anubis is looking at the view screen/magic mirror (""Mirror of Youja"") down at the city below. The other Demon Generals arrive and twit him about the fact he didn't really win his first battle -- Talpa did it for him. Talpa interrupts them angrily, as it seems the Troopers are still alive, if dormant. Talpa cannot touch their yoroi and twist them to his own use until the present wearers are dead -- or have been converted to his side. Further, it seems Ryo of Wildfire is beginning to wake.
The scene on the mirror
Des Chevaliers de l'Apocalypse poursuivent Tim et Sandy, qui s'enfuient à dos de Tigre. Heureusement pour eux, un tremblement de terre leur laisse un moment de répit. De nouveau en difficulté, ils sont sauvés in extremis par leur ami Samouraï qui combat ensuite son ennemi en un contre un. Un terrible duel commence.
Arago ha disperso i Cinque Samurai in diverse parti del mondo per dividere la loro unione spirituale ed infrangere il loro potere. Ryo si risveglia nella bocca di un vulcano attivo e si trova di fronte nuovamente Demon, desideroso di vendicarsi dell'umiliazione subita. Nel frattempo, Ambra e Danny stanno cercando i Samurai...
Los Caballeros del Apocalipsis persiguen a Tim y Sandy, que huyen a lomos de Tigre. Afortunadamente para ellos, un terremoto les da un momento de alivio. De nuevo en dificultad, son salvados en extremo por su amigo Samurai, quien luego lucha contra su enemigo uno a uno. Comienza un terrible duelo.