The Stage is set for a grand epic of war and conquest as Rome grows from a primitive village into a fledgling democracy whose influence spreads throughout the Mediterranean.
What began as an amateur citizens' army becomes the formidable legions that conquered the Western world and beyond. These are the thrilling stories behind the campaigns that brought them greatness.
From Julius Caesar to Caligula, the story of Rome is populated by towering figures who were brilliant, powerful....and, sometimes, deranged!
Rome's progress comes at a price, and the seeds of the mighty empire's downfall are sown as Romans enslave their conquered peoples, and the gap between rich and poor widens.
Ancient Rome is one of history's most tolerant societies, but a growing air of decadence and a series of bizarre emperors lead to chaos and confusion.
Rome's gripping saga concludes as eccentric rulers, crippling taxes, rampant poverty and weakening borders diminish the Empire's integrity, opening the door to enemy attack and civil unrest.