Marg was deprived his little brother, Mars, by Zure, and lost his parents. Therefore, he was living alone on the planet, Gishin. He became a member of guerrilla to riot against the dictator Zure, and he fell in love with Ruru, the daughter of the leader, Ura. However, the organization was destroyed. He was trapped by Zure, and he was brainwashed to become a soldier. Then, his long cherished wish that he would meet his brother again was realized… as a duel with him.
마즈를 즈루에게 빼앗기고 기신 별에 남게된 마그는, 부모님마저 잃은 그야말로 천애고아의 몸으로 지내고 있었다. 은밀하게 독재자 즈루에게 반기를 들기 위해 게릴라 조직의 일원이 되어, 그 지도자인 우라의 딸 루루우와 사랑에 빠지게 된다.
그러나 조직의 정체가 알려져 조직은 궤멸되고, 즈루에게 붙잡힌 마그는 세뇌를 당해 친동생과 싸워야 하는 비극의 전사로 거듭나게 되는데... 오직 한 가지 바램이었던 동생 마즈와의 재회를 대결이라는 형태로 맞이하게 되는 마그의 운명은!!!