Disc 3 of 3: ROGER RAMJET, a satirical super-hero cartoon parody begun in 1965 and voiced by Gary Owens (SPACE GHOST, the LAUGH-IN announcer), led the heroic American Eagle Squad (Yank, Dee, and Doodle) under General Brassbottom against N.A.S.T.Y.--the National Association of Spies, Traitors, and Yahoos. Ramjet maintained a stock of "Proton Energy Pills" that allotted him the strength of 20 atom bombs for a 20-second interval. Other colorful recurring characters included villainous Noodles Romanoff and His No-Goods, Red Dog the Pirate, Lance Crossfire, the Solenoid Robots, Lotta Love, and the alluring Jacqueline Hyde. This comprehensive collection features 120 episodes of the original animated television series.