Colin is out and about in Exeter with his dog Raven, and has been called in to assist some local officers with the dispersal of a bunch of people who've just left a pub. It is, as usual, alcohol fuelled, and there have been three callouts already thanks to the activities in the streets. Raven, muzzled so they can get right in amongst the crowds without the risk of anything more than flecks of drool on their clothes, is deployed and they head in to get people to move on. Needless to say, there is a hard core of obnoxious types – largely made so by drink – who have no intention of doing as bid, so there is no option other than to start making arrests. One of them attempts to flee, but is quickly apprehended and taken in, while another, who has been problematic for much of the night, just can't do what he's told and is still lurking. One arrest therefore is about to become two – or at least that's what Colin's planning until someone else comes along and distracts him. Taking the opportunity, the mouthy one flees – but doesnt get far as he is, in turn, distracted by an arriving police car and runs straight into a bollard. Off with the TAG to raid yet another cannabis factory in Newton Abbott one of the growing number responsible for the about-turn of cannabis growing which means that now 90% of the stuff is home grown rather than imported. As the suspect is potentially armed, the tasers are broken out, just to be on the safe side. Maintaining the element of surprise, they park up some distance away and come in on foot, before tiptoeing up a metal staircase and slamming in another TAG flap. The suspect is asleep – tucked up on a sofabed. Fortunately there's no weapon, but there are hydroponics tents – two of them. The only problem they have now is which of the plants they need to seize for evidence amongst the veritable forest of weed before disposing of the rest once a yield has been calculated. Then they have to get all the rest of the equipment out –