The TAG are on their way to Torquay to execute a drugs warrant, and Gary decides that it's just too boring being stuck in the van – taking the opportunity to serenade his colleagues with a hoedown – dance moves and all. Suitably entertained, they head off to the house, where cannabis is presumed to be held. Dave and Gary are on door-smashing duty, and all move in haste to avoid losing the element of surprise. On this occasion, however, the surprise is on them, as the door is plastic and refuses point blank to give way. It takes ages to get the door open, but they're finally in and detain a suspect who clearly knows why they're there. But then, given that it took them twenty two attempts with the double ram to get through the door (even more than Robb's best efforts!) he can't possibly have missed the fact that they were trying to get in. There's a fairly extensive amount of cannabis in the house, and the girlfriend’s handbag, but things are largely congenial, and everyone sits down to watch a DVD recording of the suspect's appearance on the Jeremy Kyle Show. We welcome another new dog handler, Colin Harper, who is stepping in to assist local teams with an emergency call. It's reported that a security guard has had the window of his car smashed in by a youth who, with his mates, has fled. A man matching the CCTV footage is crumpled in a nearby bush, totally out of breath, and claiming that he's had a knife pulled on him in order to nick his iPod – which the CCTV can palpably prove to be a lie. The puffed out guy is clearly shown quite literally punching in the window of the guard's car, and the guard is able to identify him. Despite this, the youth still insists that he is being nicked for being a crime victim. But then, he is drunk – which is probably why he is convinced that it is his human right to stand up, and why he also believes that Colin can't search him without giving his shoulder number first. He then has to be forcibly shoved into the car, whic