Home / Series / Road Rules / Aired Order / Season 6 / Episode 11

An Order of Footie With a Side of Flirting

Susie reads the news that the last voyage in the Winnie will take place the next day. Time to gather up all belongings and turn in the keys. Shayne wonders, ""What are we going to do without the Winnie?"" Hmmm... ""It's kind of sad to say goodbye to the Winnie, because it's been our home for a long time,"" comments Christina. The Winnie is unloaded and one last picture is snapped. That night, a manila envelope is delivered containing airline tickets to Melbourne. Also in the package is the next clue, stating ""Get your kicks playing Aussie Rules Football with the mystery six."" A bewildered Christina admits, ""I have no idea what Aussie Rules Football could even be."" Arriving in the beautiful city of Melbourne, they travel to Xavier college and meet Shane: professional football star and their coach for the upcoming game. Piggy is immediately smitten, ""Shane is really good looking. He's beautiful."" Wait a second, let's back up for a moment…what game? The Road Rules / Aussie Rules Challen

  • Originally Aired August 24, 1998
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Production Code 611
  • Network MTV
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Dan Setzler Guest Star
Emily Bailey Guest Star
Oscar Hernandez Guest Star
Chris Melling Guest Star
Roni Chance Guest Star
Belou Den Tex Guest Star