恋人の光汰と姉のかなたが関係を持ったと聞き、何もかもが信じられなくなって、道路に飛び込んだひなた。病院に運ばれるも、なかなか意識が戻らず、光汰は祈るようにひなたの手を握っていた…。また、美香に刺された亨は、美香の病室を訪れるも、面会を断られてしまう。そして、光汰のもとには病院からひなたの意識が戻ったと連絡が来るが、目が覚めたひなたは記憶を失っている様子で―!? 復讐が生んだ、衝撃のラストとは!原作とは違った、ドラマオリジナルの結末が待ち受ける―。
Hina jumped into the road when she heard that her lover Mitsutoshi and her sister Kanata had a relationship, and everything became unbelievable. He was taken to the hospital, but he couldn't get back to his consciousness, and Mitsutoshi was holding Hinata's hand to pray. In addition, Toru, who was stabbed by Mika, visited Mika's hospital room but was refused her visit. Then, under the light, the hospital reports that Hinata's consciousness has returned, but when she wakes up, she seems to have lost her memory- !? What is the last shock of revenge? The ending of the original drama, which is different from the original, awaits.