商社勤務のハイスぺ男子・桜井亨と婚約中の黒田美香は、結婚を理由に同僚に面倒な仕事を押し付け、社内で反感を買っていた。アルバイトの浅井光汰は、そんな美香を見ても嫌な顔せず仕事を手伝ってくれる頼もしい存在。ある日、美香に不気味なアカウントからメッセージが届き、それを皮切りに、彼女の周りで不可解な出来事が起こり始める…。一方、亨は婚約者の美香に隠れて、あるキッカケで出会った広瀬ひなたと親密な関係に…!? 恐ろしい女と女の復讐劇が幕を開ける…。
Mika Kuroda, who is engaged to Toru Sakurai, a high-speech boy who works at a trading company, has forced her colleagues to do troublesome work because of her marriage, and has been disliked within the company. Mitsutoshi Asai, her part-time job, is a reliable person who helps her work without making an unpleasant face even if she sees such Mika. One day, Mika receives a message from her eerie account, and starting with that, a mysterious event begins to occur around her. On the other hand, Toru hides in his fiancé Mika and has a close relationship with Hinata Hirose, who he met at a certain kick ...!? A terrifying female and female revenge drama begins...