Howard takes Rio to a supposedly haunted castle which used to feature a casino owned by a woman named Misery, with plans to refurbish it as part of the Howard Resort. During the stormy night, lightning strikes the castle, which frees the ghost of Misery, who goes to the Howard Casino and spreads bad luck. She attempts to try and win the casino in a game with Anya, but instead falls victim to her clumsiness and freaks out. Misery later attacks a chicken wing delivery van, and when employees El and Il Adams discover her, they are attacked too. The next night, Rio gets a call from fellow employee Rosa Canyon, who had been possessed by Misery's spirit. Upon returning to the castle, Rio finds Misery, who challenges her to a game for the Howard Resort, having already taken control of El and Il and kidnapped Howard. The game involves betting to see if the dice will land on an odd or even number, but Rio is troubled by Misery's illusions. However, they are dispelled when Misery eats a super-spicy chicken wing she got from a mysterious delivery girl, allowing Rio to win the game and free Rosa. As Rio chases after the delivery girl, she reveals herself as her childhood friend, Rina, who has also been recruited by Howard.
ハワードリゾートでは、新施設がオープン準備中! だが「ミザリィ城」という、そのホテル兼カジノは、幽霊が出没するという噂のある曰くつきの物件だった。オープンに向けて準備が進むなか、次々と発生する不気味な事件。リゾート内から姿を消した大量の手羽先、突然の停電、そしてカジノに現れた赤い服の女……。