Vor Jahrzehnten hat die Armee die Todesinsel als Testgelände für biologische Waffen genutzt. Rin ist schockiert, als sie entdeckt, dass ihre sadistische Rivalin Sayara zurückgekehrt ist, um die abscheulichen Experimente zu vollenden.
Twenty years after the events of episode two, Maeno is still working for Rin and is now married to Yuki and has a son with her. The episode opens with them receiveing a call from a girl wanting to meet Rin. However, she only says one cryptic sentence and dies in front of her, which reminds Rin of a story she heard from a friend back in 1945. She soon discovers that the girl displayed the same symptoms as subjects of a biological weapon "Higan" test on the so-called "Death Island". The Island has been officially demolished and Tamotsu, a police officer and Rin's friend, confirms that its former residents were among the victims of each recent bombing in Tokyo. Soon after that, Rin is captured and brought to the Death Island. Mimi decides to visit Rin's unnamed informant from episode two who demands lesbian sex with her in return for information on Rin's whereabouts. She informs them that the group behind the bombings and Rin's capture is called "Kudoru" (Sanskrit: Evil). Meanwhile on the Island, Rin discovers that Sayara Yamanobe survived as an immortal but has to rely on a powered exoskeleton to move. After being dissected, Rin escapes but is chased and killed again. Sayara explains her plan to exterminate humans with Higan, leaving only immortals on Earth. Maeno arrives on a helicopter to free Rin but is fatally shot. With his last strength, he consumes Shōgo's time spore and turns into an angel. After carrying Rin to safety, he returns to devour Sayara but Eipos arrives to remove both their time spores, killing them instantly. The next day, Rin and Mimi stay in their office, visibly shaken by Maeno's death.
Десятилетия назад армия использовала Остров Смерти как полигон для испытания биологического оружия. Рин потрясена, узнав, что ее садистская соперница Саяра вернулась, чтобы завершить чудовищные эксперименты.
Nagoya, 2011. Una ola de atentados se está cebando en la población de mayor edad y además una chica joven muere al caer al vacío mientras deliraba ante Rin. Ésta decide empezar a investigar la posible conexión entre ambos sucesos y las pistas parecen conducir a un lugar que se creía desaparecido, la Isla de la Muerte. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial se envío a una serie de científicos para investigar las causas de una extraña enfermedad endémica que estaba causando estragos, se llamaba Higan.Tras la desaparición de Rin, Mimi y Kouki Maeno están dispuestos a todo para lograr información que permita dar con ella. Después de una visita a los bajos fondos un tanto comprometida, descubren que existe una organización dedicada al tráfico de armas y a actividades fundamentalistas que podría estar implicada. Deben darse prisa porque no les queda mucho tiempo.